Past Tournament/Demo photos (2014) - Year of the Horse
The big winners at every tournament are the competitors. Not because they win places or medals or trophies. But because they get out there and do something difficult.
Public speaking is one of most people's greatest fears. How about public demonstrations? It's not easy to get in front of an entire gymnasium of people and perform at a high level. It's a skill that you learn just like anything else. And you know how you get better at it? You guessed it: practice.
Here some of Shaolin-Do's heros who took the plunge and performed in the 2014 Year of the Horse evening demonstration.

Robert acts like a Monkey

Sifu Ben performs a straight sword form

Sifu Julie performs the Sai kata

Sifu Tommy with a broadsword

Sifu George does a broadsword form
Master Don Duncan performs Giant Pa Kua Broadsword
Master Joe wields the Li Kwei Axes

Grandmaster Sin The' performs the Twirling Hands Pa Kua Broadsword

A family moment...