Virtual Classes

Hey guys,
So it seems that we'll be stuck at our homes for a while yet while this whole thing clears. I don' have any information about that. What I do have is a laptop and some pretty cool kung fu moves.
So, if you can't come to me and learn at my school, then my school can at least come to you. This is the best option we've got right now, and let's use it as a way to keep ourselves communicating, feeling together, and making strides toward our goals.
I will be hosting online classes through the Zoom video conferencing platform for as long as this situation keeps us apart. Here is our schedule and links to the Zoom rooms for all of the classes.
If you want to see what we're doing and you're not a student, peek your head inside. I'm pretty sure you'll like what you see. Just click on the link here:
And navigate to the proper class. I put them all in one place to make things easy to find. If you don't have Zoom, don't worry. It's easy to use, and downloads and launches itself pretty automatically. For technical issues, just call or text Master Mike. (512-743-7261)
Everyone please stay safe, stay together, stay kind and compassionate. Work hard, protect yourselves, and drink water. I'll see you in the Zoom rooms at class times.
Your friendly neighborhood Kung Fu teacher,
Master Mike
(30 min private session over Zoom are available for only $25)